Bio-Z is a project in the BMBF program 'WIR! - Change through Innovation in the Region'. WIR! provides the impetus for new regional alliances and sustainable innovation-based structural change for positive transformation in all structurally weak regions of Germany.
The collaborative project takes a cooperative approach to jointly design development and processing pathways for bio-based products and services. Climate-neutral processes and renewable raw materials provide solutions that mitigate climate change and create secure long-term jobs in the region.
The BioZ project kicked off its concept phase about 11 months ago. Since then, the consortium has grown to 70 alliance partners. Our kick-off meeting with 20 participants was followed by five more digital alliance meetings and seven dialogue group meetings. The result of this collaboration: a concept consisting of 40 pages, 70 LOIs and 16 R&D project descriptions.
The next step is now the evaluation by a jury of experts. BioZ must prevail against 43 other alliances in this process - only 25 initiatives will move on to the next phase and have the chance to receive funding of up to 15 million €. On 17.08.2021 the presentation of the alliance project to the reviewers then took place and has convinced. Now the individual projects will be worked out in detail.
Two start-ups, two research institutes and one joint location - these are the players in the E4MeWi network. Together we want to and will demonstrate that it is possible to produce sustainably produced, i.e. 'green', methanol in decentralized modular plants at competitive costs.
Thanks to the funding of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), the E4MeWi project allows us to continue our own exploratory work in the digital world of quantum mechanics, innovative container construction and laboratory research. Based on the experimental proof-of-concept, we will prove by the end of 2023 that this disruptive approach is not only convincing in the laboratory, but also in a container demonstrator facility in a real industrial environment. We are supported by the associated project partner Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen.
In order to motivate future generations of students to independently implement new ideas, Humboldt Innovation GmbH has started the campaign '15 years start-up service at the Humboldt University Berlin'. This is intended to show students that there are other meaningful paths in their careers far from the university and from corporate structures.
Our CEO Marek Checinski is one of the ambassadors and promotes the start-up spirit among others in front of the central library in Berlin Adlershof of the Humboldt University.
Our contribution 'Reinventing the MeOH synthesis by advanced quantum mechanical simulations' was selected today for the 53rd annual meeting of German catalytic experts to be presented in a lecture
The results were created in an efficient collaboration with Prof. Beller and his staff. We present how we have succeeded in demonstrating our new capture and hydrogenation approach to methanol production in a very short time with the help of quantum mechanical simulation and selected experiments.
MeOH is one of the most important C1 building blocks in the chemical industry. Sustainably produced MeOH has great potential to make the chemical industry CO2 neutral on the raw material side.
CreativeQuantum was invited to the conference ‘Engaging with the Start-Up Scene’, organized by EIIL- European Institute for Industrial Leadership in Barcelona, Spain. Our CEO Dr. Marek Checinski shared the experiences on „how one start-up collaborates with industry“. Dr. Checinski also attended a panel to discuss initial prefessional development in start-ups.
CreativeQuantum enhances its international presence with the foundation of its subsidiary in Japan. The services will be brought to Asian business partners faster and more effectively thanks to the new central office in Tokyo. Moreover the existing network in the area of research in Japan will be extended.
Dr. Marek Checinski presented the new MeOH process, which has been already filed for patent, at the 14th European Congress on Catalysis. The first pre-optimized catalysis system enables the production of MeOH at 120-150°C and 10 bar CO pressure with a TON of 3000 in this process. This would have a big impact on the environment as well as on CAPEX and OPEX. This could lead to smaller and decentralized production sites.
CreativeQuantum continues to implement its corporate social responsibility and satisfies its further needs on financial transactions by opening a business account with Ethikbank.
The company therefore underlines the significance of sustainability once again. The socio-ecological investment policy of Ethikbank corresponds the values that CreativeQuantum appreciates since its foundation. Mutual transperancy of operations enables a more appealing and more important collaboration.
CreativeQuantum was invited at the Freiburger Symposium 2019 to present the benefits of quantum mechanical simulations on catalyst optimization.
On the occasion of the 350 year’s anniversary of Merck, CreativeQuantum was invited to present the benefits of quantum mechanical simulations in synthesis analysis and optimization at the Curious2018 conference
CreativeQuantum was invited at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe to present the benefits of quantum mechanical simulations in battery materials research.
CreativeQuantum supports the work of the educational institute for pedagogical practice. FiPP e.V. is a free-lance institution for child and youth welfare and works in over 60 institutions and projects in nine Berlin districts for children, adolescents and families in the city. Fields of activity include day care centers, all-day care centers, open child and youth work facilities, school-related projects and career guidance.
CreativeQuantum participates as a co-sponsor of 51th anniversary of our Annual Catalysis Meeting. We take part in a dialogue on the significant progress in the use of quantum mechanical simulations in chemical research.
CreativeQuantum participates as a co-sponsor of 20th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry. We take part in a dialogue on the significant progress in the use of quantum mechanical simulations in chemical research.
The increase in employee and computer capacity has increased the need for larger modern spaces. Therfore CreativeQuantum is moving to new offices in Berlin-Adlershof.
The volleyball team Friedrichshagener Volleyball Verein which is sponsored by CreativeQuantum, enters the next league after finishing the season as the champions of the Kreisliga in Berlin.
CreativeQuantum participates as a co-sponsor of 50th anniversary of our Annual Catalysis Meeting. We take part in a dialogue on the significant progress in the use of quantum mechanical simulations in chemical research.
CreativeQuantum released after 8 years for the third time a new revised website that takes account of the latest developments and services.
CreativeQuantum offers since 8 years successfully quantum mechanical simulation as a service for research and development. Both the infrastructure and the methods were significantly expanded during this time. Especially the development of new simulation methods shows a dramatic increase of accuracy.
CreativeQuantum participates as a co-sponsor at this years GDCh Chemistry Forum. We take part in a dialogue on the significant progress in the use of quantum mechanical simulations in chemical research.
To the Advisory Board of CreativeQuantum enters Prof. Stefan Grimme from the University of Bonn. It is a great honor to welcome one of the most important scientists of our time in the field of quantum mechanical simulations. Prof. Grimme has a number of significant developments published in the field of quantum chemistry, including DFT-D3, SCS methods DHDF, QMDFF. He is one of the most cited scientists worldwide.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research confirmed in a recent contest on ”Innovative electrochemistry” the usefulness of quantum chemical simulations to develop new innovative syntheses and materials: ”This includes the area of simulation, which can handle many open questions today, thanks to the increased computing capacities and improved simulation methods that allows for more accurate and comprehensive investigations.”
CreativeQuantum presented at the NEXTLAB2014 conference at IFPEN in France the state-of-the-art of “Virtual screening of chemical functionalization in catalyst design and functional materials development”. Here we presented investigations and methods, which accuracy lays within the experimental deviation.
CreativeQuantum celebrate its 4th anniversary! As an independant R&D service provider we could provide our customers important contributions on synthesis and materials optimization. By our unique investigations our clients could improve theirs systems much more specific and faster.
The President of the Royal Society of Chemistry today forecast the impact of advances in modelling and computational informatics on chemistry research in the future.
Professor Dominic Tildesley said: „The speed and development of computers is now so rapid, and the advances in modelling and informatics are so dramatic that in 15 years time, no chemist will be doing any experiments at the bench without trying to model them first."
The reducing energy use and GHG emissions in the chemical sector highly depends on catalytic processes. Around 90% of chemical processes use catalysts for efficient production. Catalysis is an important source of technology-based efficiency improvement potential; indeed, the Technology Roadmap “Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes” shows an energy savings potential approaching 13 exajoules (EJ) by 2050 – equivalent to the current annual primary energy use of Germany.
Results from the Deloitte Millennial Innovation Survey: Innovation is not only the key to success of enterprises, but has also a positive effect on the society. Creativity is the major origin of innovation, whereas the major barriers are the lack of funding, business culture, dullness or a weak management. Only a fifth of those questioned, acknowledged tougher competition as main driver for innovation. On the contary, they focus on collaborative approaches.
Within the frameworkof the opening of the "Gerhard Ertl Center" in Berlin in honor of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ertl, we had the opportunity to interview the 2007 Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry regarding the topic“catalysis and research”. He affirmed that catalysis plays a key role in the issues of energy, materials and environment. In particular, many problems of energy storage and hydrogen production still remain to be solved adequately. For the development of new catalysts, that are able of tackling these challenges, quantum chemical simulations are becoming increasingly important.
CreativeQuantum is participating in the flagship project "wind-hydrogen coupling" at the initiative "energy storage".
This involves the development of novel highly active catalysts for the low-cost electrolysis hydrogen electrolysis. The project contributes to the medium-to long-term improvement in the efficiency of energy storage in the form of hydrogen.
The manufacturing industry is committed to annual increases from 2013 to its energy efficiency by 1.3% and 1.35% from 2016. The agreement reached now covers the whole range of manufacturing industry and the energy industry.
Thus, additional efforts by the chemical industry can be expected with regard to improving energy and resource efficiency of chemical processes, a good sign for this specialized service providers such as Creative's constant.
The Chemical Industry Association VCI reaffirms with the "FORMEL für Ressourceneffizienz" that new solutions for energy- and resource-efficient production processes can only come through research. Progress is also possible through the optimization of existing production processes. But great leaps in efficiency require several factors. You need the capabilities of classical chemistry and they need the most advanced technology! [Chemistry Special Report 07.2012]
This concerns in particular the development and optimization of catalytic systems with the help of high technology 'Computer-aided quantum mechanics.
The issue of energy- and resource-efficiency is already the most important factor for sustainable business and it will be under the global competition for resources even more critical.
We are proud that our customers from the industry and industry-related research, benefit already from our services with this technology in the development of more efficient processes.
CreativeQuantum participated on 15th International Congress on Catalysis 2012, to study research results of international research groups and to include current trends in research projects of our customers. Creative Quantum has met interested partners outside Europe.
Quantum Creative is presented at this year's ACHEMA 2012. ACHEMA is the world's largest exhibition for chemical technology, environmental protection and biotechnology.
CreativeQuantum takes on the 45th Annual Meeting of German Katalytiker part to discuss the potential of the latest trends and approaches on catalysis with scientists from research institutes and universities. In addition, we provide our services to developers from the chemical industry.
CreativeQuantum hält auf dem "European Workshop on High-Throughput Developments and Applications" (26.02.-29.02.2012) den Vortrag „Quantum chemical High-throughput screening in applied catalysis“ und stellt dabei vor wie mit Hilfe von quantenchemischen Simulationen effizienter, schneller und erfolgversprechender an neuen Katalysatoren und Funktionschemikalien geforscht werden kann.
The february issue of the journal "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" contains an interview about the emergence of the young company CreativeQuantum, founded by Marek Checinski and Alexander Kulesza. The "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" is a german scientific journal published by the association of german chemists (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, GDCh). It is one of the most read chemistry journals of the german-speaking area and usually has a print run of up to 32000 copies. Of the readership, a part of 40 % is in a managerial capacity of academic and industrial facilities.
CreativeQuantum wurde als Mitglied beim Verband der chemischen Industrie aufgenommen. Der VCI vertritt die wirtschaftspolitischen Interessen von rund 1.650 Chemieunternehmen in Deutschland. Als Stimme der Branche kommuniziert der Verband mit Politik und Behörden sowie anderen Bereichen der Wirtschaft, der Wissenschaft und den Medien.
Looking back on a successful year 2011, Creative Quantum has implemented a minor change for 2012. Creative Quantum has now transformed its legal status into a GmbH. Our aims, however, have remained unchanged; we provide excellent and independent R&D services to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The situation for further growth and expansion looks promising; we look forward to assist our clients in the development of processes with high efficiency in the use of resources and energy. Using our own methods and methodolgies, we are developing innovative, heterogenous and homogenous catalysts in, for example, the fields of CH activation, chemical energy-storage and CO2 recovery.
Creative quantum published a new homepage for the external representation of the company and the services offered. With the new website we now adapt news, press releases, feedback and awards. We want to inform our customers with our updated web site even better about our unique technology.
CreativeQuantum awarded the "IKT Gründerwettbewerb" founded by the german ministry of economy and technology. for the development of a service company for computer-assisted simulation of chemical processes. To develop methods to resource-and energy-efficient processes are becoming increasingly important. CreativeQuantum has positioned itself among 265 contributions in the top 13 and shares with seven other groups the 6th place.
CreativeQuantum expanded its portfolio to the analysis and virtual screening of solid-state reactions.
Here, we can analyze any interaction of any substrates and reactions to any solid surface and cutouts with our unique methods of investigation.
CreativeQuantum wins the "Sustainability Award" for the development of resource- and energy-efficient processes for BPW 2011
CreativeQuantum wins best placed as a chemical company the entrepreneur price of branch competition "Science4Life VentureCup" of life science and chemical industries.